
Ownership: Forum 75% / Vanadian Energy Corp. 25%
Stage: Highly Prospective; Drill Ready
Size: 9,912 ha
Location &
The Clearwater Project is located on the southwestern edge of the Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan. The area is accessible from Provincial Highway 955, which is an all-weather road.
The Clearwater project is on trend to the southwest of NexGen’s Arrow deposit and Fission Uranium’s Triple R deposit. Extensive exploration and development is continuing on both of these projects.
Proximity to
Forum’s claims adjoin Fission’s Patterson Lake South claims on the southwest boundary, also known as “PLS”. PLS hosts the Triple R deposit, which was discovered in 2012, NexGen’s Arrow deposit is on trend to the northeast of PLS, and UEX’s Shea Creek and the past producing Cluff Lake mine are to the north.


  • NexGen’s Arrow discovery and Fission’s Triple R discovery are the two most exciting uranium finds in decades. Forum responded quickly by staking its ground immediately adjacent and to the southwest of Fission’s PLS property in 2012. Forum is targeting similar shallow, basement-hosted, uranium deposits. Fission Uranium continues to discover mineralization west of its Triple R deposit, closer to the Clearwater property boundary.

Proposed Work Programs for 2024

  • Under review. Available for partnering.

Historical Work

  • Very little work had been completed in the area until Forum began exploring in 2013, and later with its partner Uracan (now Vanadian Energy Corp.).
  • Prospecting, soil and lake radon surveys, lake sediment sampling, ground gravity, airborne EM, Mag and radiometric, ground EM surveys completed 2013-14
  • A nine-hole drill program was completed in November of 2016 that tested the Key and Mongo target areas. A ground EM survey conducted at the same time identified several new EM conductors that have yet to be followed up. One drill hole targeting a structurally complex area just south of Mongo Lake intersected 6.5 m grading 4.54% zinc. Follow-up work is required to identify the host lithology and structure.

Clearwater Project Location Map. Note location along the Patterson Lake Corridor. Figure modified from NexGen website.

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