Quartz Gulch Cobalt Exploration Project, Idaho, USA

Ownership: 100%
Stage: Noranda, a previous explorer of the Idaho Cobalt Belt completed a regional geological and stream sediment sampling study in the late 1970’s/early 1980’s establishing the Quartz Gulch property as prospective for stratabound cobalt mineralization and cobalt hosted in quartz-tourmaline breccias. Noranda recognized Quartz Gulch as a priority exploration target for finding future reserves for its Blackbird Mine but the property was never drilled
Size: 127 claims totaling 10.65 square kilometres
Location &
The Idaho Cobalt Belt has highly developed infrastructure and the Quartz Gulch property is easily accessed via the main road to the past producing Blackbird mine.
The only permitted cobalt mine under development in North America is found in the Idaho Cobalt Belt. With more than 60% of the world’s cobalt supply coming from the Democratic Republic of Congo in central Africa, the Idaho Cobalt Belt is expected to emerge as a significant source of domestically produced cobalt to supply the emerging electric vehicle market.
Quartz Gulch is located approximately 5 kms to the southeast of the past producing Blackbird cobalt mine (Noranda) and Jervois Mining’s Idaho Cobalt Project, the only permitted cobalt mine under development in North America. 

No work is planned for 2024

 Previous Exploration (2021)

Forum completed prospecting, mapping and sampling program. Further work has been deferred pending a recovery in the cobalt market.


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